Wednesday, August 10, 2011

This came from dream. thought it over well and thought it would be suiting.

Here take this, as the boy breaks the single flower in the garden from its stem and hands it to the soldier, here! The soldier just smiles and says: why are you giving this to me. Because my father said that when I meet someone nice, it is proper to give a gift. The soldiers look around and see a suspicious object under what looks like a well covering, it is a rifle wrapped in cloth. The boy says, that was my fathers. He left it here for me to keep my family safe. The soldier uses his radio and says to the boy: I am sorry but we are going to have to take this away. The boy just watches as it is handed from one soldier to the other. The boy takes him to a little patio, there is dozens of planters, but no plants besides one with a single red flower. The boy says: isn't it pretty? My mum says that my grandpa told stories that it was brought here during the romans when my family fled here. There is a soldier looking down an alley, doing his daily patrol. There is a boy, who ask the soldier what he is looking for. The soldier says: bad guys. The boy replies: my mum says that I have to protect us from bad guys too;the soldier just smiles. Can I show you something? says the boy, Sure! He radios that he is going down the alley, another soldier follows. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

there is no prophecy

By: Séan Michael Freese I will go straight out and say it: I AM TIRED OF THIS SHIT!

bonbs keep goin off in the streets, no peace is found in between
the two people who matter most, G-d kicked my people out for acting like this
i dont claim to be perfect but i know the difference, between acting rightious and selfish
I dont claim to be israeli, for i'm not zionist, i am like my grandfather i am an israelite.

my people traveled through desert for 40 years, Hashem gave us a home at the end of it.
we were supposed to follow His every wish, but instead many deserted Him so we were disparted.
many say we should return and try it again, but there are other people who have lived
for many a generation humble and right, but instead many want to cage them and pick a fight.

i wont lie i wish i was living there, with several acres and plow the land
but i know it wouldnt be right, to steal from our brothers who have plowed it
there is no prophecy saying this is ours forever. just as long as we are rightious.
but we failed and we were punished. sent out for over a thousand years running from aryans.

Goy we may look the same, but i will tell you we arent in any way
my heart aches for what my fathers had and the burden of their sins is written across my head.
i dont claim to be perfect but i know the difference, between acting rightious and selfish
I dont claim to be israeli, for i'm not zionist, i am like my grandfather i am an israelite.

our brothers took the land when we were cast out, we share the same blood but have different mothers.
i don't care, we are the same. we still bleed when bombs and gas fly through the air.
i don't claim to be perfect, but i know the facts. that we should be united for the greater good.
jews and arabs, should no longer fight over a piece of land.

many of you white folks say it is wrong, to allow a bunch of people cast a stone
but when you see a child in the street, picking up pebbles and swearing for his peoples name.
no children have to live like that, they should be playing outside freedom in their land
instead they are banned from crossing the street, they have to show papers to got get food to eat

bonbs keep goin off in the streets, no peace is found in between
the two people who matter most, G-d kicked my people out for acting like this
i can't claim to be perfect but i know the difference, between acting G-dly and selfish
I dont claim to be israeli, for i'm not zionist, i am like my great grandfathers, I am an israelite!